Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A (still) Growing Collection

A small collection of tabletop/board/Roleplaying games we've collected over the last 5 years. Makes us happy just being around it everyday and the playing them shaves off stress of the day. ^_^

D&D, pathfinder, dungeons & dragons, paizo, warhammer, horus heresy, fantasy flight games, mage wars, mage knight, heart of darkness, doomtown, lord of the rigns, lcg, living card games, the legend of drizzt, castle ravenloft, pacg, pathfinder adventure card game, descent, barbarossa, hobbit, arkham horror, horreur a arkham, runewars, talisman, thunderstone, thunderstone advance, super dungeon explore, whitechapel, pillars of the earth, small world, cold war, cia vs kgb, love letter, l5r, legend of the five rings, mansions of madness

Monday, October 27, 2014

Back on Paper

I will always remember that classmate of mine from primary school, Dante he was called, that would lug around a suitcase filled with Dungeons & Dragons books and other materials. We couldn't afford dice at the time, so we used a random number generator. Good times.

And no, I wasn't kidding about the suitcase, he really had a large suitcase and you would hear him arriving because you would hear the suitcase bang against the metal stairs. XD

Books and materials today adds so much more than it did before! I'm glad I could rediscover RPGs and other board/card games together with my wife. D&D 4th edition wasn't really that great, but it was unfortunate that we got it just a year before 5th edition was released. Oh well, it's still nice to have it on our collection.

We really like the Pathfinder RPG! We've already been playing the Adventure Card game for a while now and decided to go for the RPG as well. I love the layout on those books and the enormous amount of content and options. I've played since the early days of AD&D and also have had hours with some of the most iconic video game implementations such as Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate series. I love books, so it's such a great feeling to go back on paper, flipping through those pages, whiffing the scent of the paper... it's just something you miss when you're used to touch screens.